Monday, May 18, 2009


What's funny is that it's a word I very rarely, if ever, use, and now it's the title of my play.

About four years ago I read this wacky autobiography by the same name, fell in love with the subject (imagine a woman in her 70's calling her autobiography "Bitch!"?!)--acquired the rights to the book, and wrote a play based on it.

"Bitch! The Autobiography of Lady Lawford, As told to Buddy Galon, with an Introduction by Prince Franz Hohenlohe", published by Branden Books.

It's a fun read. I recommend it. And you can see the play the last two weeks of August 2009, as part of the New York International Fringe Festival (FringeNYC). For info,

More on "Bitch!" as she develops!!!