Sunday, August 9, 2009

Barefoot and Toothless

I had a dream last night that I was barefoot and my teeth were falling out. I have a lot of teeth-falling-out dreams, but usually I just suddenly notice that my teeth are crumbling, spit them out, and am amazed to discover they're beautiful, tiny pieces of china or complicated little porcelain sculptures. It's always my molars--my smile still looks normal.

But last night I was barefoot and my front right tooth had something carved in it--a word. I can't remember the word, but it started with a C. And no, I don't wear my nightguard anymore, which explains a lot.

"Dreams about your teeth reflect your anxiety about your appearance and how others perceive you. These dreams stem from fear of your sexual impotence or the consequences of getting old.

Another rationalization for falling teeth dreams may be rooted in your fear of being embarrassed or making a fool of yourself in some specific situation. These dreams are an over-exaggeration of your worries and anxiety.

In the latest research, it has been shown that women in menopause have frequent dreams about teeth. This may be related to getting older and/or feeling unattractive and less feminine."

Sometimes I hate the internet. Too much information, and in this case, too accurate in every single scenario:

"To dream that you are barefoot indicates poverty, lack of mobility, or misunderstanding, low self-esteem and lack confidence in yourself. Or you may be dealing with issues concerning your self-identity."

We're at that point in rehearsals.

Performances are August 17, 20, 22, 23, 28. To book tickets:

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